So have been having a big ol' existential crisis today....pooh pooh to that I hear you say and seeing as I still haven't gotten to the bottom of it AND have also just finished 'The Clergyman's Daughter' by Orson Welles which was NO BLOODY HELP at all, I'm going to do a completely frivolous blog about...oh, I don't know....fucking SHOES! That will do.....whatever niceties I can dream up for the next half an hour til I'm sufficiently calm to attempt the goddamned dishes (seriously....what is the point of doing dishes? of any of it?). Clearly someone has missed a couple of anti-anxiety tabs this week and is back to square one....but then it's like well, so take the tabs and live on in blissful ignorance of the futility of it all....where the frock am I headed anyways?

distressed Converse sneakers.....surely a must? (mild panic attack right, it's not like I'm actually BUYING THEM!)

Winner of least practical but most pretty...yes, most pretty...not prettiest. Meh...I could care less....they would probably only last one drunken binge anyways....falling apart after one outing would just add to your self loathing - 'AND I ruined a new pair of shoes!' Cute though aren't'd almost be worth it!

If these aren't the sexiest grown up Mary-Janes you've ever seen well I just don't know what to do with you....oh, and speaking of wedges

These are the thing this spring/summer apparently...I have a pair, but unfortunately they are just a leeedle too dressy to be worn with any old summer dress....guess I'll have to buy some more...perhaps these :

Hmm, these are actually cheap enough that I might be able to pull it off ladies....wish me luck cos' for El Cheapo summer sandals, these are actually kinda to wear with them? Darn it, nothing matches.....well, we know what happens now...well, what SHOULD happen now at least ; )
So, they LOOK a little winter-y but I'm going with a short flirty dress and a good tan you can totally call these summer shoes just cos' they're so colourful. I said so...doesn't mean I'm the one to pull it off!
Alright people, I've done my best....feeling slightly more okay-ish about the drudgery of it all....provided I get stuff done now so I can give myself that little pat on the back that comes from having done all the jobs ahead of a day off......that should get me going again....seriously....GIVE ME THE IGNORANT BLISS!