
High Tea and the inescapable buzz


Soooo, as it turns out - my anti-anxiety meds seem to have a limited life/working span. There is no middle speed for me, it's fast or slow and that is that.  Have spent the last four days in a pit of yawning and immobilisation....now that I'm over it....ka-ching! Bye bye sleep hello grand plans.

Had an up not long ago too during which I have taken charge of way too much as usual - including the organisation and coordination of the majority of fundraising efforts for my Derby teams Relay for Life effort. Have made a list of local businesses that will be systematically hit up for donations to our awesome (my baby) 'Foodies' Raffle. Now, as if this list is not enough....and it is QUITE the list I assure you, I have tonight decided that I will delegate prizes into first, second etc if I get enough donations and also that part or all of the first prize will be as follows:

Lovely, proper, miscellaneous, mismatched, mad hatter, vintage, flowery, gardeny high tea for you and 3 friends or your family INCLUDING - actual tea leaf reading by reknowned psychic medium (AKA my Mum), awesome lovely floral decor (supplied fingers crossed by the lady who did my wedding flowers or someone else who wants a bit of publicity), beautiful poshy type food supplied hopefully by some of the other girls AND me, but if not, just me, and an onsite photographer for one hour who will take candid shots (no posing included) of your afternoon and create a slideshow, IIIN a beautiful show garden owned by old workmates of mine.....seriously WHAT THE FUCK BRAIN???

I love and hate being like this. I love the flow, I love the brain explosions but I hate the inability to just cruise along in life without overcommitting, I hate the constant frantic activity (but still love that too). GRRRRR. Will post some pretty high tea pics for you to check out...and then have a loooong hot shower and try to go the fuck to sleep. Big day again tomorrow...surprise surprise.


New Obsessions, Old Rejections

Okay I know...I'm such an unfaithful, unreliable blogger...well there's only like four people that might bother to fucking look anyways....and they'll know me well enough not to expect any better!

New obsession....Roller Derby....okay, so I'm kinda shit on skates...but I'm practising a lot...and I'm the secretary of our newly formed league so I'm doing what I can. Have picked out a couple of name options 'Hell Bunny' which I probably won't be allowed to have cos' the poxy online database namechecker thingo says it's VERY similar to 'Hell Bunny Hunny' in which case it will probably be rejected.....or 'Sugar n' Strife' which is also pretty cool so oh well.

Have spent a grand total of $70 on skate gear so far cos' I didn't want to fork out loads of cash and then find out that I wasn't gonna follow through...I'm a great starter (I'm sure I've mentioned this before) but anyways...as it seems six months later that I'm still uber excited about the whole thing and getting slowly better on wheels I'm gonna have to start dishing up the dosh.....next purchase: new pads...the girls from the other leagues said ours are shite so when they do their awesomely discounted wholesale order we will also be handing over $150 for a set of $300 knee and elbow pads and wristguards....I haven't even STARTED on the skates and alternate wheel costs....I am pretty sure all I'll be allowed to buy for now is a pair of booty shorts.....and whilst they are extremely sexy...I need new skates WAAAAY more....

We've had visits from 2 different other leagues to help us out with training drills and general info which has been awesome cos' we're kind of in the dark but also just cos' it shows how much of a community 'derby' culture promotes. It's fantastic to see women all pushing for the same thing for once...such a refreshing change from all different individuals bitching and whining about each other just for the fucking sake of it. The funny thing is, you can see how frustrating it must be for the more accomplished skaters dealing with people like me who are all scaredy and unco but they still try REAL hard to keep being nice!

My other latest obsession is my 30th birthday coming up in April this year....so exciting cos' (a) I'm not nearly as sad about it as I thought I'd be and (b) I'm having a CIRCUS PARTY!  I don't care what everyone else does for their costumes but I have my ringmaster outfit sorted already...it's gonna be awe-suuum! I'm planning on having freak show posters printed out...setting up a cutout for people to stick faces in for photos, having some side show games set up, hiring popcorn and fairy floss machines and sewing a big top out of all my scrappy fabric bits.

Okay....it's too late to post photos etc but just in case anyone really gives a shit...I'll try to post some of my derby merchandise pervs later in the week as well as some circus party inspiration shots. 

Neurotic Hummingbird signing off to read a book and put myself to sleep,
Nighty night XXX