Hello there! Just what you've all been waiting for. As it turns out this is just the 'Domestic Goddess' installment of the 'I WANT' lists (oh yes, there will be more!) So here goes.....
You can't go wrong with these little babies...they tick ALL the boxes.
Role play type stimulation for the kids - CHECK!
Environmentally guilt-free - CHECK!
Healthy eating promotion - CHECK!
I am sooo super-Mum right now...if I buy them ; )
Soooo cute, it'd be worth promising to wear it with nothing on underneath at least once, just so you can justify buying it...not that I'd mind so much ; ) The boys might prefer the cherry printed ones though...a little more Lolita??
I get most of MY new recipes online as I don't have enough room (or cash) to accumulate a whole shelf of cookbooks I may only use one recipe out of now and again. I am, however, going to actually buy this one for our kids (just the big one for now) and see if it's as gross and fun as I'm expecting it to be. A leftover childhood penchant for anything Roald Dahl is a contributing factor too!
I want this sooooo bad and at only $420.00AUD or thereabouts...and in bloody TURQUOISE, why shouldn't I have it? It also comes in red and a darker blue (cobalt...according to them but I beg to differ) It is food week after all...'Oh darling, how will I ever continue to improve my cooking skills with this crappy cookware??' (hand to eyebrow in dramatic heroine pose)
These are super cool if only for the kitsch-iness of them. There are heaps of other cute shapes available too. |
Tried the fingernail bath tonight. Seems nice enough for now although it is surprisingly difficult to keep one hand in a bowl for a whole fifteen minutes. I was multitasking...browsing whilst I soak one hand. It gives the experiment a better chance of being a success too if I only soak one hand...better comparison...i.e eggy, oily hand fingernails vs non-eggy, non-oily hand fingernails at the end week two. Also, turns out that if you whisk the egg white for your face mask really well and then apply with a cotton ball, you only apply the froth, which dries much faster than if you apply a thicker layer with your fingers. Yay for anything that happens faster than you expect right? Okay, gone for now...but not forever (no matter how much you might wish it....hehe)
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