Hi there! Well, yesterday I achieved a first. It's a bit of a pathetic first, but a first nonetheless (and one that I am inordinately proud of....) I won a last second Ebay faceoff!! Oh yeah, and it was a seeeriously cool dress, see below:
no, i don't know how to rotate it IN the blog post, and yes, I AM too lazy to fix it on the computer so YOU will just have to turn your head sideways and admire this fantastically awesome dress
I discussed my victory in two ways. One, on my own but directed at the faceless 'she' who LOST (suck it biarch) and two, with Miss Bean....who pointed out to me (which I had already thought of) that now I will need new shoes.....and possibly a new handbag too! The funny thing about this is that I bought the DRESS to suit this cropped jacket below...which I fell in love with...got, and then realised I don't have anything that suits it (oh dear....)
and it looks even better on....perfect size and cut for short people like moi
Now, all I need to do is complete the ensemble (hmm....my sunnies don't really suit this retro, kitschy kinda look either...I'm sure I need some extravagantly sized cats eye sunnies.....) and think of somewhere worthy of wearing such a co-ool outfit in this wee little hamlet we live in. My son has just started school and I've been dared (after sarcastically suggesting it myself) to wear it for the school drop off, but I really do think that most of the Mum's think I'm a little strange already....so perhaps not...after all...his future social standing does require a Mum that other Mum's will allow near their children for playdate and sleepover purposes!! So, maybe I will save this particular gem up for the winter races...it's a winter kinda outfit anyway (well, here it is....). Will keep you posted on what awesome accessories I find (but feel free to suggest away if you've seen something particularly well-matched yourselves).
Update on nail bath: I'm not going to do all the ratings because it was a resounding FAILURE. Having said that....I did miss a couple (not too many....less than half anyways) of nights of the two week trial and the integrity of the experiment was also compromised by the fact that my nails did suffer more than a standard amount of abuse, so can hardly be relied upon to demonstrate what the nail bath may achieve on normal hands. Let us close the book on the nail bath for now.
I have discovered an awesome body exfoliation technique...I made it up on my own...just a homemade variation on a store bought product I bought ages ago. Plain cooking salt (which is the same as table salt but in a bigger quantity and not in a dispenser bottle) mixed with olive oil and applied in the shower before rinsing thoroughly. Very effective...particularly on knees and elbows etc. The cool thing about this one, is that the olive oil moisturises at the same time...so you don't have an added step when you get out of the shower....I love anything that saves time, cos' I'm almost always running late for something....not school though....that is non-negotiable. Alright, I'm going to bed at a REASONABLE hour for once....night people.
Oh, and Happy Australia Day people!! We have a fantastic country and way of life....gotta pay appreciation credits today...we are very lucky!!